
Now that the B’babies opened their eyes, they discover the world around. They crawl and teeter around in their Fort Alcatraz, play and bicker with each other and snuggle up to one another, nibble on their toys – with mommie Kira keeping two eagle-eyes on them.

They grow up very fast – little guinea pig (or mole) faces turning into teddy bears. And apparently they have tons of fun, even if now anything doesn’t turn out as wished for.

And like in every otherhusky litter with at least 3 males we have a gangleader (Beni), leading any jailbreak from the whelping box, and Berni and Brendan tagging along. If there’s a pityful squeak coming from the babies’ room, they got themselves in another hopeless situation. Like crawling under the plastic mat.

Unfortunately the battery of the big camera gave up right on time. Since daylight was nice today, I quickly took some pics with my mobile – et voilà! The photos are not too bad. Only Brendan didn’t feel like being held up again.


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Siberian Huskies of Kahnawake