BISSP Zaltana Kissed By An Angel In Kahnawake

Zaltana Kissed By An Angel In Kahnawake

Call name: Ezri
Breeder: Mary Louise Franklyn & Grzegorz Boguta, Zaltana Siberians (FCI, PL)
Stud book nr.: VDH/DCNH SH 16887/19 (orig. PKR.V-26712)
DOB: 01/30/2018
Color: black/white, tanpoint domino
Eyes: brown/brown
Hips: A (02/22/2019, DMV Heinrich Camp, Kleve)
02/04/2019 DMV Birgit Koerschgen, Staufenberg-Mainzlar, ECVO/DOK: clear
03/16/2020 DMV Birgit Koerschgen, Staufenberg-Mainzlar, ECVO/DOK: clear
02/24/2022 DMV Birgit Koerschgen, Staufenberg-Mainzlar, ECVO/DOK: clear
05/22/2024 DMV Nina Müller, Staufenberg-Mainzlar, ECVO/DOK: 1 single distichia, else clear 
Titles/achievements/CACs: BISP, BISP2, 3 BOB-P, 1 JCAC(VDH), 3 CAC(VDH), 4 R-CAC(VDH)

Approved for breeding by breed judge Ursula Meyer (DE) on 04/27/2019 at Wetzlar-Dutenhofen

Size (acc. to protocol, cm/inches):

withers length chest bust
53.5 cm / 21.1 in 65.5 cm / 25.8 in 22 cm / 8.7 in 65 cm / 25.6 in
Conformations assessment report (translation by me):
Pleasant-natured, friendly female, tall, with lean and well-defined stature.
Correctly built rectangular structure, feminine and typical expression, proper medium bone structure very well muscled. Feminine head with moderate stop, scissor bite (mandibular P1 right missing). Almond-shaped medium brown eyes, medium sized ears, set and carried excellently. Medium long, strong neck, straight and strong topline with a rather short and straight croup. Tail set high, carried as a sickle. Forehand straight, moderate angulations, chest still developping, hind quarters straight, very good angulations. Paws closed, of oval shape. Smooth movement of medium ground cover. Coat black and white, correct length and structure, excellent pigmentation.

Remarks: excellent character

Terms: Approved for breeding until the age of 8 years (02/26), no further requirements


Snowmist's Bodacious
Jan. 24, 2014
Siberian Husky (#BA545950)
MBIS Am Can CZ Lit Pol Port Ch
Highlander's Diamonds Furever Exclusive
Mar. 22, 2011
Siberian Husky
Am Ch
Kayenta's Wildestar North Wind
Jan. 1, 2008
Siberian Husky
Highlander's Diamonds R' Furever
Nov. 5, 2007
Siberian Husky
Davik's Snowmist Sizzle
Dec. 24, 2011
Siberian Husky (#YY438966)
Can Ch
Snowmist's Quicksilver Speigas
Mar. 20, 2009
Siberian Husky (#WS31684402)
Davik's Born To Amaze You
Jan. 10, 2009
Siberian Husky
Davik's Silver Mist
Aug. 8, 2010
Siberian Husky (#CKC: XQ 389169; PKR.V-23896)
Coventry's Peace Negotiator
Dec. 26, 2002
Siberian Husky (#WS02480505)
Innisfree's Chips Ahoy
Apr. 19, 1993
Siberian Husky (#AKC WP487261/03 05-94)
Coventry's Lioness Pride
Jul. 29, 1999
Siberian Husky (#WP92861601)
Davik's Have a Nice Day
Feb. 26, 2008
Siberian Husky
Ebonyshadow's Absolute Snowmist
Jun. 24, 2002
Siberian Husky
Snowmist's Lucy
Jan. 5, 2004
Siberian Husky

Ezri entered our kennel on June 5th 2018 and she is raising hope for the future in us. Her sire, Snowmist’s Bodacious (Bo),was staying in Europe for a while, where he added some championships and titles to his Canadian and US championships. Her dam, Daviks Silver Mist (Misty), is multi-champion, too, in Canada, where she also was working in harness, as well as in East Europe. Misty lives with Mary Louise Franklyn in Poland.

Ezri is a cheerful girl with lively spirits and joie de vivre, lovely and always a bit of mischief. Build and movement are amazing. Summer 2018 we started presenting her in the ring. Since she entered Puppy class, she was quite dominating the ring. In the Club Jubilee Show, celebrating the 50th anniversary of the DCNH, Ezri not only won her class and so became Best of Breed Puppy, but ended up as Best In Specialty Show Puppy under breeder judge Henrik Soeborg (DK).

Ezri BISSP under judge Henrik Soeborg at the Club Jubilee Show, (c) Josefine Munke

The next day, during the 1st Kirchheim Cup, Ezri again won her class and so became Best of Breed Puppy, and ended up in 2nd place Best In Specialty Show Puppy under judge Christen Lang (NO)

Then for a while Ezri did not do well in shows. She was maturing slowly, and unfortunately Covid-19 conquered the world. Hence, we decided to breed her before her first championship. Late spring 2020 she gave birth to her first litter, the E’babies Of Kahnawake, sired by our boy Shakaar. It was a very beautiful litter of five. Unfortunately one of the boys died from an accident, when they were just 6 weeks old. But all his siblings grew up beautifully. We kept the youngest girl, Emma Of Kahnawake called Ronja, in co-ownership and are now hoping for pups. Ronja already gained some ribbons in shows.

In fall 2021 she had another litter, again sired by Shakaar. And again we kept one of the girls, Gracia Of Kahnawake called Snow, in co-ownership. Snow started her show career in November 2022 and was awarded Alpine Junior Winner and Baden Wurttemberg Junior Winner at the CACIB in Karlsruhe.

When we started showing Ezri again in 2021/22, she got some very nice placements and reports and earned 3 CAC(VDH) in a row. We are really looking forward to showing her more often in the big shows!

Summer 2023 Ezri gave birth to her third litter, sired by Inyabu Marvel, a beautiful stud bred by Nives Medunjanin Božičević (Inyabu Kennel, Zagreb/HR) who is linebred to Ch Smoke’N Ash Of The Midnight Sun.

Thank you, Louise, for entrusting us with this wonderful girl! It is such a pleasure to watch her enjoying her life with pack and friends.


Litter E (05/28/2020) sired by Ch Inner Vision Carbon Monoxide (2 males, 3 females)

  • Eskil Of Kahnawake called Malouk
  • Edith Of Kahnawake called Mika
  • Elisabeth Of Kahnawake called Leeloo  
  • Eustace Of Kahnawake called Loki † 
  • Emma Of Kahnawake called Ronya

Litter G (11/21/2021) sired by Ch Inner Vision Carbon Monoxide (3 males, 3 females)

Litter I (06/18/2023) sired by Inyabu Marvel (6 males, 1 female)

  • Innocent Of Kahnawake
  • Ismael Of Kahnawake
  • Ignatius Of Kahnawake
  • Ivo Of Kahnawake
  • Isidore Of Kahnawake
  • Isabella Of Kahnawake
  • Ibar Of Kahnawake

Show Results

Joint Exhibition of VDH Bavarian chapter in Munich, 06/23/2018 Niko Vazakas (GR) Baby Class VPr2 Results
CACIB Gießen, 08/04/2018 Gabriela Richard (DE) Puppy Class VPr1 Results
Jubilee Show “50 Years DCNH” in Kirchheim/Hessen, 09/15/2018 Henrik Søeborg (DK) Puppy Class VPr1, BISSP Results
1st Kirchheim Cup, 09/16/2018 Christen Lang (NO) Puppy Class VPr1, BISS2P Results
National Dog Show Karlsruhe 11/10/2018 Marie-Josee Melchior (LUX) Junior Class Exc3 Results
International Dog Show Karlsruhe 11/11/2018 Olga Dolejšová (CZ) Junior Class Exc3 Results
National Dog Show Kassel 12/08/2018 Gerda Kastl (GER) Junior Class VG3  
International Dog Show Kassel 12/09/2018 Klaus Strack (GER) Junior Class VG2  
18th Lahn-Dill Show Wetzlar-Dutenhofen 04/27/2019 Jochen Eberhardt (DE) Junior Class VG2  
DCNH Clubwinner Show Wetzlar-Dutenhofen 04-28-2019 Guido Schäfer (DE) Junior Class VG2  
VDH Federal Winner Show Dortmund 10/12/2019 Gopi Krishnan (MY) Intermediate Class Exc4 Results
VDH Fall Winner Show Dortmund 10/13/2019 Lois Wilson (ZA) Intermediate Class VG4 Results
National Dog Show Kassel 12/07/2019 Grzegorz Weron (PL) Intermediate Class VG1  
International Dog Show Kassel 12/08/2019 Ursula Meyer (DE) Intermediate Class Exc3  
CACIB Ludwigshafen 2021, 08/14/2021 Noel Baaser (DE) Open Class Ex2/2, R-CAC(VDH) Results
DCNH Club Winner Show 2021, Oberhausen-Rheinhausen, 09/11/2021 Carmen Navarro (ES) Open Class Ex1/2, CAC(VDH)  
10th Saar Pfalz Show 2021, Oberhausen-Rheinhausen, 09/12/2021 Rafael Garcia Parrondo (ES) Open Class Ex1/2, CAC(VDH)  
International Dog Show Offenburg (Ortenau Show), 07/1672022 Beatrix Märkli-Casanova (CH) Open Class Exc1, CAC(VDH)  
International Dog Show Ludwigshafen 2022, 08/27/2022 Gabriela Richard (DE) Open Class Exc2, R-CAC(VDH)  


Siberian Huskies of Kahnawake