Last Saturday, August 1st, all four E’babies left us. It was a bit of a turmoil, some unpredictable incidents were dragging on until the next day. But in the end all four happily settled with their families. Yet on Saturday, we spent a lot of time in the big dog […]
litter E
When I entered the puppy room last thursday morning, the little ones and Ezri, who had come in with me, were wildly running around, while one pup was lying right behind the fence. Instantly I realized the pup was dead. His neck and chest were wet and smeared with some […]
… into the whelping box shows our little fatties of letter E growing nicely. Even though they use to turn their backs on visitors. 😀 Today, the E-babies are one week “old”. The day on which they will open their eyes and ears, the day that will change everything in […]
Last night, Ezri gave birth to her first litter, 2 boys and 3 girls, within two and a half hours, all are in the pink! The litter ist sired by our own stud dog Shakaar. We went through three laborious 😉 days and a sleepless night, but who cares, when […]
Here they are, the E’babies – as seen in an x-ray. Today we had her x-rayed: there are 6 puppies growing in Ezri’s belly, just like the sono showed 3 weeks ago. The babies are not too big and seem to have grown nicely. They are due sometime next week […]
Since yesterday it is for sure that at least six little pups have nested in Ezri’s tummy. They seem to grow nicely – as far as we can find out by echo: their tiny hearts are beating and they are happtly dancing in their amnions. Mating Shakaar and Ezri was […]