Happy Birthday!

A year ago, on Thursday, November 24th 2016, I spend hours together with my beloved Kira. The day before, she came into labor. we were sitting on the couch and I comforted her. I kept to the vet’s orders, saying, “Try to do nothing. Just keep calm and be there. She knows what to do.”

And that is exactly what happened. Between midnight and very early morning she gave birth to three gorgeous pups, litle lumps of sweetness of which Kira took care with great love.

Even though three pups make a small litter, we were really hapy. This way we were able to raise our first husky babies with great care and ease and enjoy the time with the little ones.

Antonius (Bubbles), Alban (Sammy) and Almudis (Nukka) enjoyed a happy and wild childhood and had a great in the snow, too. Daddy Doby (Wahttp://Almudisterfall Velnio Malunas) can be proud of those cute little bits of mischief. 

All three were adopted by loving sportive families, two didn’t even go far, and one lives in the Black Forest. Bubbles’ adventures, collected by his mommie, make up Bubbles’ Baby Blog (in German).

It was a wonderful time, raising those three little fellows, and we are hoping for a second litter in spring or early summer next year – news will be published in good time.

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Siberian Huskies of Kahnawake