Litter H

GerCh Riverjunction’s Apache In Savannah Town x BISS MCh Inner Vision Wolfblood


Opra is the most successful, but also most capricious girl in our pack. It has always been a challenge to breed her. But with the help of our experienced breeder friend Simone Ebardt-Heidt we managed to outfox her two times in a row.

Litter H is sired by GerCh Riverjunction’s Apache In Savannah Town called Abahachi, from Anja Becker‘s Litter A, owned by Simone Ebardt-Heidt and Sina Kientz. He was sired by MBIS BISS IntCh MCh Snowmist’s Bodacious, one of the most successful dogs from Kim LeBlanc’s kennel Snowmist in Canada, out of MCh Snowmist’s Catching Fire.

Abahachi’s and Opra’s pups

Heloise Of Kahnawake called Kira

Heloise Of Kahnawake called Kira


coat: black & white
eyes: brown/brown

Hermione Of Kahnawake called Leeta

Hermione Of Kahnawake called Leeta


coat: red & white
eyes: blue/blue

Hedwig Of Kahnawake called Hedda

Hedwig Of Kahnawake called Hedda


coat: black & white
eyes: brown/brown

Harold Bluetooth Of Kahnawake called Floki

Harold Bluetooth Of Kahnawake called Floki


coat: red & white
eyes: amber/blue

Hyacinth Of Kahnawake called Halo

Hyacinth Of Kahnawake called Halo


coat: black & white
eyes: brown/brown

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More to follow soon

Siberian Huskies of Kahnawake