Kahnawake Summer Powwow 2019

What a party!

Yesterday we celebrated our first Kahnawake Summer Powwow. Many of those who own puppies from our kennel, and some people who are interested in our kennel activities, came for a visit. We watches the huskies playing and tussling, enjoyed good food and good conversation.  Later that evening, when those who had to take a long ride home (like Sammy and Zelda and their family), we watched a thunderstorm with hard rain and hail from our sunroom.

It was too hot for a real walk altogether, but the dogs had lots of fun in the yard anyway. At first, Sisko made clear to the males that he is the boss, and he stopped Sammy and Koda from brawling in his own cool manner.

When Nukka arrived, all C’babies got quite excited – but Koda even more. He worked har, trying to convince her of his charm and even forgot about his beloved Opra.

Ezri finally laid down in the middle of the lawn, lost in thought, smiling. Not until Nukka’s master started to play the dog whisperer, she joined the pack, sitting around the man with the magic pockets.

In the evening dogs and People were all happy and tired. After the guests had left and the gang of four had gone to sleep in the house, Helmut and I sat down on the terrace, got comfy and enjoyed a glass of wine. This way, Helmut celebrated one of the loveliest birthdays in his life.

Kahnawake Summer Powwow 2019

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Sammy hätte gerne etwas vom Mittagessen.

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Siberian Huskies of Kahnawake