On Friday, the C’babies Yuko, Maya, Conan, Mato and Zelda turned two years old. Apparently, they all are grown-ups now. As far as that is possible. 😉
They all have matured very nicely, so we are very proud of them – and so are their furever families!
Yuko (Coelestinus Of Kahnawake)

Yuko lives in Wolfenbüttel and has become a very fine companion, who loves to do some mushing with the sons. He became an impressive sample of a dog, keen and friendly.
Maya (Casilda Of Kahnawake)

Maya’s home is in our little village keeping her family on their toes. Before the pandemic, she entered several shows and gained some ribbons. In summer 2020, she proved her stamina crossing the Alps together with her uncle Tio (Benedictus Of Kahnawake) and both their families. And, yes! not only her expression is even mischievous! 😉
Conan Of Kahnawake

Conan, the little nice guy of this litter, moved to Dillenburg, where he became an avid rambler together with his best buddy. Both enjoy long tracks in the area and hiking holidays in South Tyrol. And despite of the pandemic, he gained his Junior Club Champion at a canter.
Mato (Clemens Of Kahnawake)

Mato is living near Siegen with his uncle Koda (Brendan Of Kahnawake). Together they are not just a cheerful duo of singers, but a fine working team in CaniCross, bikejoring and skijoring. Although he accidentally lost one eye as a pup, that does not dampen his handsome and confident appearance.
Zelda (Clara Of Kahnawake)

Zelda is livin in Pforzheim with her uncle, Sammy (Alban Of Kahnawake). Those two also have grown into a fine team, pulling the scooter and enjoying long tracks with their family. Pretty Zelda is mom’s darling, loves to be spoiled and due to her charming nature winds everybody around her little paws. 😉